Saturday, January 17, 2009
Yesterday morning we noticed right away that Savvy's entire right cheek and muzzle had become very swollen overnight. Prior to having the tooth extraction done, Savage was on a 7 day course of an antibiotic called Clavamox, and then cephalexin (500mg 3x per day). He finished the cephalexin yesterday morning, so I was advised to switch to another antibiotic (!) because the first two might not have been effective against this specific infection. Currently I am giving my dog 500mg of Ciprofloxacin 3x per day, and have upped his aspirin dosage to two regular strength buffered aspirin tablets 3x per day. He'll be completely done with medication on the January 21st, providing the swelling goes away and he's no longer in pain.
This morning his nose looked much better than yesterday (the picture above is from yesterday afternoon), and he seems almost back to normal. He's got lots of energy and wants to get outside and play, though the weather is not cooperating with his plans. He's eating his meals eagerly and will chew on a tennis ball if I allow him to. He doesn't seem to even notice, or care, that he's missing one of his big teeth.
I'm glad it's mostly over with and he's home recovering surrounded by those who love him.
Behr Behr :)
Get well quick Savage!